Liver-Support Health Publications



Full Bloom with The Plug: Exploring the Flowers in Your Liver’s Sidekick

The Plug Drink

The Plug Team

The Plug Team

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The Plug is all about flower power, and it’s time for you to get to know the floral ingredients that make up our proprietary blend! Dandelion, honeysuckle flower, chrysanthemum, and purslane are just a few of the ingredients that make The Plug great for your liver and overall well-being, but what’s even better is that these flowers have been used for centuries as remedies to all different kinds of ailments. Many were used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and are still widely popular today in herbal remedies and teas! So let’s explore all the power that these four flowers can wield as key ingredients in your liver's sidekick.




Dandelion, possibly our most well-known ingredient, is more than just an ever-sprouting flower in your yard. Dandelion is known to reduce inflammation, manage blood sugar and blood pressure, and lower cholesterol, all while being completely nutritious (1)! Dandelion has also been used in TCM to treat things like stomach problems, appendicitis, and inflammation (2); its roots and leaves were used to help with liver issues as well (2). Every part of the dandelion is actually edible (1), and you can find dandelion greens at your local grocery store or even harvest them from your own yard – just make sure they’re free of pesticides and chemicals (1)!

Honeysuckle Flower



Honeysuckle is a dainty little flower that packs a powerful punch! It has been used in herbal medicine for centuries, with the earliest date documented being 659 AD (3). Honeysuckle is used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent (3), and it is said to help with upper respiratory tract infections, headaches, and digestive issues, just to name a few (4). In TCM, this gorgeous flower is known for providing cooling sensations that release toxicity from the body (3).




Chrysanthemum is a popular flower that can be planted and grown in almost any season! That’s why you’ll typically see their gorgeous petals at stores in the fall as other plants begin to wilt. Chrysanthemums have been used over time to treat ailments such as headaches, dizziness, and high blood pressure (5); it was first popularized during the Song Dynasty around 960 AD and can be eaten directly or enjoyed as tea (5). Our favorite way to enjoy this flower, though, is when sipping on The Plug Drink – that way we can enjoy the vitamin-rich flower, while also reaping the benefits of the beverage’s 12 other ingredients!




Purslane is a succulent that blooms tiny flowers in the center of its green leaves! It is entirely edible and contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants (6). Additionally, this plant provides everything from calcium, magnesium, potassium, and even iron – it’s quite the plant powerhouse (6)! Purslane was used in the Roman Empire as a way to treat headaches, inflammation, and bladder disorders (7), and recent research has shown that purslane may have antimicrobial and anti-tumor properties (7)! 

Our Formula

The Plug Drink is more than just a beverage – it’s backed up with a rich history of all-natural remedies from around the world! These four flowers paired with the rest of their nine counterparts create the perfect plant-based drink for boosted liver health and quick recovery (among many other benefits, but who’s counting?). Did you know that so much greatness could be packaged into one small bottle? We sure did!


1. Can You Eat Dandelions? [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. 2021 July 21. Available from: 

2. Dandelion [Internet]. Mount Sinai. Available from: 

3. Bravo Tea. Healthy Immune Support with Honeysuckle Tea (Lonicera Japonica) [Internet]. Bravo Tea. 2020 Apr 29. Available from: 

4. Honeysuckle [Internet]. RxList. Available from:


5. The Qi. The History and Healing Power of Chrysanthemum [Internet]. The Qi. 2020 Aug 26. Available from:  

6. Purslane: Health Benefits and Nutritional Value [Internet]. Heal With Food. Available from:

7. Schultz H. ABC article highlights purslane’s long history of use as Chinese researchers uncover additional constituents of plant [Internet]. NutraIngredients USA. Updated 2021 Aug 26. Available from: